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List of the Marengo County Records held at the University of Alabama

The dates that are listed here are not all inclusive.

4200-4220 Trial Docket; Circuit court 1840 to 1916
4221 trial docket: circuit court (equity) 1917 to 1932
4222-4229 trial docket: chancery court 1870 to 1937
4230-4233 trial docket: slaw and equity court 1909 1913
4234-4236 trial docket: law and equity court 1912 to 1916
4237 general docket 1867 to 1876
4238-4240 state docket: circuit court 1857 to 1881
4241-4242 grand jury docket: law & equity ct. 1910 to 1928
4243 solicitor's grand jury docket: 1877 to 1887
4244-4246 motion docket: circuit court 18158 to 1895
4247 chancery court 1875 to 1878
4248 law and equity court 1911 to 1926
4249-4250  probation docket: circuit docket 1939 to 1950
4251-4252 delinquent tax docket: equity ct 1924 to 1931
4253 assignment docket: chancery court 1916
4254-4258 civil bar docket: circuit court 1850 to 1911
4259-4263 state bar docket: circuit court 1845 to 1916
4264-4269 appearance docket: circuit court 1842 to 1875
4270 state appearance docket: circuit ct. 1923
4271-4273 civil appearance docket: circuit court 1902 1929
4274-4276 subpoena docket: circuit ct. 1839 to 1867
4277-4278 civil subpoena docket: circuit ct 1867 to 1918
4279-4285 state subpoena docket: circuit ct 1851 to 1918
4286 return docket: circuit ct. 1871 to 1902
4287-4295 execution docket: circuit ct 1828 to 1852
4296-4308 execution docket: circuit court 1852 to 1916
4309-4310 execution docket: law & equity ct 1909 to 1916
4311 register's execution docket: chancery ct 1881 to 1919
4312-4319 state execution docket: circuit ct 1900 to 1941
4320-4323 civil execution docket: circuit ct. 1914 to 1940 and 1840 to 1842
4324-4326 trial minutes: circuit ct 1840 to 1852
4327-4340 trial minutes: circuit ct 1852 to 1914
4341-4345 civil trial minutes: circuit ct 1917 to 1962
4346-4348 trial minutes: law & equity ct. 1909 to 1916
4349-4350 state trial minutes: 1917 to 1928
4351 state trial minutes: county ct 1942 to 1949
4352-4354 feebook circuit court 1846 to 1879
4355-4356 law & equity 1911-1917
4357-4359 feebook circuit court in equity 1917 to 1936
4360-4366 state feebook circuit ct 1875 to 1931
4367-4373 civil feebook circuit ct 1897 to 1984
4374-4377 subpoena docket/feebook county ct. 1920 to 1938
4378-4384 state feebook subpoena docket 1918 to 1938
4385-4390 civil subpoena docket/feebook circuit ct. 1909 to 1937
4391-4392 civil writ & subpoena docket/feebook circuit ct. 1972 to 1935
4393 register of solicitor fees circuit ct 1890 to 1914
4394-4395 register's feebook chancery ct 1893 to 1913
4396-4397 record of solicitor fees/law & equity 1911 to 1927
4398-4400 feebook 1919 to 1938
4401-4408 indictment record circuit ct 1885 to 1966
4409 state trial record circuit ct 1905 to 1909
4410-4423 final record county 1840 to 1961
4424-4444 final record circuit ct. 1847 to 1905
4445-4448 state final record circuit ct. 1893 to 1913
4449 register final record circuit ct 1948 to 1965
4450 state final record minutes circuit ct 1963 to 1965
4451 civil final record circuit ct 1907 to 1915
4452-4455 civil final record & minutes circuit ct 1953 to 1966
4456-4467 final record circuit court in equity 1917 to 1966
4468-4472 final record law & equity ct 1909 to 1917
4473-4475 state final record law & equity ct. 1909 to 1916
4476-4479 civil final record law and equity ct 1909 to 1916
4480-4487 final record chancery ct 1844 to 1916
4488 records (executions) 1923 to 1928
4489-4492 records circuit ct. 1818 to 1829
4493 records civil circuit ct 1829 to 1830
4495-4515 records circuit ct 1834 to 1880
4516-4518 record count ct 1820 to 1828
4519-4521 records chancery ct 1842 to 1871
4522 records hall of St. Albans Lodge 1885 to 1892
4523 ledger 1869
4524 ledger Fairview, Alabama  1885 to Nov 1888
4525-4528 ledger 1890 to 1906
4529 record of civil causes 1830 to 1835
4530 letter book county ct 1836 to 1838
4531 register of claims against gen fund 1909
4532 clerk's receipt book/law & equity ct 1911 to 1934
4533 clerk's report to the state treasurer of witness fees 1910 to 1921
4534 commission book circuit ct 1869 to 1908
4535 commission book chancery ct 1918 to 1924
4536 fiduciary fund record circuit ct spring 1929
4537 fiduciary fund chancery ct spring 1917 to June 1944
4538 order book 1866 to 1900
4539 circuit ct in equity 1920 to 1937
4540 chancery court 1858 to 1875
4541 unused
4542-4544 chancery ct 1910 to 1916
4545-4547 attorney's order book 1893 to 1938
4548 sheriff's return docket 1877
4549 sheriff's fiduciary funds 1935
4550-4555 sheriff's jail register 1906 to 1930
4556-4561 sheriff's state feebook 1902 1935
4562-4566 sheriff's sale record 1892 to 1933
4567-4570 sheriff's feeding record 1906 to 1934
4571-4581sheriff's execution docket 1866 to 1896
4582-4592 sheriff's civil execution docket 1895 to 1935
4593-4596 sheriff's state execution docket 1895 to 1934
4597 sheriff's county feebook/subpoena docket 1931 to 1934
4598-4603 sheriff's civil subpoena docket 1906 to 1934
4604-4605 sheriff's civil writ & subpoena docket 1919 to 1924
4606-4608 sheriff's state subpoena docket 1906
4609-1612 sheriff's state writ & subpoena docket 1919 to 1937
4613 disposed cases circuit in equity 1931 to 1952
4614 consolidated docket & feebook circuit ct in equity 1938 to 1942
4615-4617 disposed cases circuit ct in equity 1945 to 1960
4618 consolidated docket & feebook circuit ct 1955 to 1960
4619 disposed cases circuit ct in equity 1964 to 1971
4620 equity trial docket 1959 to 1962
4621 civil division circuit ct 1959 to 1961
4622 civil trial docket (jury) 1919 to 1930
4623 civil trial docket (non jury) 1921 to 1930
4624 state trial docket (circuit ct) 1914 to 1925
4625-4627 records 1821 to 1839 and 1893 to 1897
4628-4632 records chancery ct 1837 to 1906
4633 civil subpoena docket 1893 to 1911
4634witness testimony fall 1897
4635 minutes office if jury commission 1909 to 1965
4636 trial docket circuit ct 1858 to 1862
4637 trial docket 1915 to 1930
4638 sheriff's returns to subpoenas 1842 to 1875